2017-02-16 15:17Press release

KI Innovations and SmiLe Incubator funded by VINNOVA

VINNOVA has decided to fund Karolinska Institutet Innovations AB and SmiLe Incubator 2 million SEK for the extension of the project ”Pilot study on life science incubation”.

The first project aimed to strengthen the processes, business and operational models of Karolinska Institutet Innovations and SmiLe Incubator as well as identify and propose appropriate indicators to best measure success of life science incubators.

The extension of the project,named ”Implementation of identified key success factors for life science incubation”, will implement the knowledge and the know-how derived from the first phase of the project. The aim is to design and implement pilots from the operational and business model for life science incubators which were identified. The project will also continue the work of identifying specific Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), suitable for life science incubators.

”We are very excited about this decision. The extension of the project gives us the opportunity to strengthen our respective businesses, and continue to build a high-quality innovation system. Above all, we will have the opportunity to become even better at what we already do: creating value for patients and society by identifying brilliant research ideas in life science and converting them into business opportunities, "says Ethel Luvall, project manager at Karolinska Institutet Innovations.

“The international benchmark study of successful life science environments that we implemented during the year together with Karolinska Institutet Innovations has provided important inputs for our continued development and the continued project support confirms we are heading toward the right direction”, says Ebba Fåhraeus, CEO SmiLe Incubator.


For additional information, please contact:

Ebba Fåhraeus, CEO at SmiLe Incubator                                 

Mobile: +46 734000433                                                                 

e-mail: ebba@smileincubator.life   

Language: English

About SmiLe Venture Hub – Pioneering Life Science Innovations

SmiLe is a business incubator based in Medicon Village in Lund. SmiLe helps entrepreneurs and startup companies to develop and commercialize new ideas. Our main task is to help the management teams of these companies to navigate the complexities of business development, financing, recruitment and risk management. There are currently 26 companies in SmiLe, which together have attracted more than SEK 1,3 billion in venture capital to date since 2007. Approximately 130 people, representing 19 nationalities and 45% of whom are women, work at SmiLe incubator. SMILE is a community consisting of experts, business advisors and incubator companies, which when combined provide a unique opportunity for Life Science Industry startups to benefit from their extensive collective experience. The opportunity also includes an infrastructure that is unique of its kind in Sweden, with well-equipped laboratories and advanced instrumentation.