For the past six months, Region Värmland employees have tested startup company Preactly’s digital tool, which helps organizations to prevent ill health at work. The evaluation resulted in high scores. Now the tool is ready to be rolled out to interested users who have the goal of a long-term sustainable work life and a better environment at work. Preactly is an incubator company at SmiLe, which is based at Medicon Village in Lund.
The Preactly tool is designed for both employees and employers. It is suitable for work groups with six or more employees in any industry. A group of people with administrative occupations tested the tool at Region Värmland.
“A striking 82% of test subjects were so satisfied that they would like to use the tool privately for their own benefit if the employer were to make it available. We also evaluated whether the questions were easy to understand, whether the language was inclusive and whether they felt the tool was intuitively designed. We implemented the suggestions we received. And now it’s time to make a genuine contribution to a sustainable work life along with all employers who want to focus on this issue,” says Jeanette Köster, CEO and founder of the company.
The first full-scale version of the tool is now ready. Preactly is looking for organizations that want to make an effort to achieve a sustainable work life. They will be offered the opportunity to participate in a pilot program using the tool.
Preactly’s mission is to promote a sustainable work life for everyone. The tool helps to generate insights and stimulate reflection about what negatively impacts employee wellbeing, based on how they experience their surroundings both on and off the job. The tool is an easy way for organizations and employees to learn at the individual level about how our environment affects us and to identify the factors of greatest significance to improve.
För mer information, kontakta: Jeanette Köster, 070-309 81 25
More information about Preactly: Preactly started its business one year ago with the mission of a sustainable work life for everyone. The company’s philosophy is based on the belief that sustainable people are the foundation of sustainable organizations. The company has developed a research-based coaching digital health tool. By using this tool, the employees of Preactly’s customers can receive immediate individual feedback and they can rank the importance of different factors that need improvement, based on how they themselves experience their work environment.
Preactly is an incubator company at SmiLe Incubator, a business incubatpr specialized in life science based at Medicon Village in Lund.
SmiLe enables a future of better healthcare by building a community of world-class life science innovators. Located in Medicon Village, a life science cluster in Lund, Sweden, SmiLe facilitates startups looking to develop next-generation healthcare and life sciences technologies. By bringing together life-science entrepreneurs, investors, scientists, the university and the municipality, we create an attractive, forward-thinking atmosphere that enables creativity and smart science to thrive. Being a not-for-profit organization gives companies the security of knowing that we work only in the interests of the entrepreneurs we sponsor.