2022-03-21 13:32Press release

SmiLe Inject invests 2 MSEK in eHealth company developing a voice robot for the elderly

SmiLe Incubator’s angel investment company, SmiLe Inject Capital, invests 2 MSEK in Call Knut, an incubator company that is developing a voice robot- based service using AI and ordinary phone calls as a complement in communicating with and caring for elderly people living on their own. The investment will be used to complete the development of the product and enable a commercial launch during the year.

A growing ageing population is a major global challenge that requires more efficient healthcare and care of the elderly, and where technology will play an increasingly important role. Call Knut's service is based on AI (Artificial Intelligence) in combination with ordinary phone calls, where a so-called voice robot calls the elderly for a conversation. These conversations are analysed with the help of AI and can detect deviations in voice and behaviour that could be caused by for example anxiety, pain, fatigue and depression. By early detection of these warning signals, measures can be taken quickly. This increases safety for both the elderly and their relatives, and relieves homecare and healthcare staff, which in the long run can result in reduced care costs and improved care.

”E-health is an area we need to invest heavily in, in order to tackle growing healthcare challenges. Call Knut has developed a very exciting product that in a smart way uses the phone as a tool to introduce advanced technology in an area where it has traditionally been difficult,” says Ebba Fåhraeus, CEO of SmiLe Incubator.

The platform, which has the ability to handle over 50 different languages, has already been tested in Stockholm with good results.

“I applied to SmiLe for its unique expertise in life science to complement me as an entrepreneur. The investment from SmiLe Inject confirms that I’m onto something big, and that feels great,” says Viktor Björk, founder and CEO of Call Knut.

About SmiLe INJECT Capital AB

SmiLe INJECT Capital is the first angel investment company in Sweden that focuses solely on promising early-stage life science companies. Through INJECT, private investors are being offered the opportunity for the first time to benefit from SmiLe’s comprehensive life science expertise, international networks and unique insights into early-stage life science companies. The financing is provided by experienced business angels along with the state-owned venture capital company Saminvest.

For more information, contact:

Ebba Fåhraeus, CEO of SmiLe Incubator, tel: + 46 734000433

Language: English

About SmiLe Venture Hub – Pioneering Life Science Innovations

SmiLe Incubator is a life science business incubator based in Medicon Village in Lund, Sweden. SmiLe helps entrepreneurs commercialize their ideas. There are currently 25 companies in SmiLe which, together with alumni companies, have attracted more than EUR 460 million in venture capital to date since 2014. SmiLe offers excellent business coaching, a broad international network of contacts and a dynamic community, as well as well-equipped laboratories which is unique of its kind in Sweden. SmiLe is a non-profit organization and receives basic funding from Region Skåne, Lund Municipality, Lund University and Medicon Village. SmiLe´s sponsors are Agilent, Sparbanken Skåne, Awa, Høiberg, Prevas, Setterwalls, Zacco, Aqilion. SmiLe’s listed alumni companies have a market capitalization of EUR 1,3 billion (Q1 2021). www.smileincubator.life