2024-03-05 10:20Press release

SmiLe Partners with IESE Business School in New E-Learning Initiative for Life Science Startups, Facilitating Venture Capital Acquisition

Smile, a leading life science venture hub, is proud to announce its collaboration with IESE Business School, one of the most prestigious business schools in the world, in launching a new international e-learning program – the e-Dragon Academy. This program is specifically designed to empower and prepare start-ups and early-stage entrepreneurs for the complexities of raising venture capital.

Led by Luca Venza, former Director of Tech Transfer and Acceleration at IESE Business School, the e-Dragon Academy is developed to transform the way life science startups and entrepreneurs approach international venture capital. Through the program, participants will gain insights into crucial aspects of venture capital, including communiation techniques, financial planning strategies, and investor relations tactics.

"We're thrilled to collaborate with such a prestigious partner like IESE Business School in this important initiative where we bring our vast experience of helping startups acquire venture capital to the table. Navigating the international venture capital landscape is a big challenge, a reality that has been especially evident over the past year. This highlights the significance of providing startups with the optimal prerequisites for success," says Ebba Fåhraeus, CEO of SmiLe

The 5-week program comprises 15 carefully designed sessions, featuring main lectures, FAQ videos, and assessments. Additionally, participants will have access to a valuable toolbox equipped with templates and calculations, providing practical resources for real-world application.

“In the realm of life sciences innovations, securing venture capital is vital for startup success. The e-Dragon Academy by Smile Incubator equips founders and supporters with essential skills to navigate innovation and funding, aiming to drive ventures towards success. We are excited about this collaborative effort of sharing and learning best practices in this field,” comments Magda Rosenmöller, Academic Director at IESE CRHIM.

Building on the success of its precursor, the Dragon Academy, designed to empower Innovation Advisors in Southern Sweden, the e-Dragon Academy caters to a broader international audience offering a new e-learning experience and enhanced resources.

The pilot phase of the program is now in progress, having been pre-piloted by some of the SmiLe startups. It has been praised for its topics and content, emphasizing the format and practical approach.

For more information on the e-Dragon Academy, visit: https://www.smileincubator.life/e-dragon/ 

The program is funded by Erasmus+, part of the European Union.


For more information:

Ebba Fåhraeus, CEO, SmiLe, +46 73 400 04 33


Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

About SmiLe Venture Hub – Pioneering Life Science Innovations

SmiLe Incubator is a life science business incubator based in Medicon Village in Lund, Sweden. SmiLe offers business coaching, a broad international industry and investor network and a unique laboratory infrastructure with state-of-the art instrumentation. Since the start, SmiLe has helped 100+ entrepreneurs commercialize their business ideas. Currently there are some 30 companies in SmiLe incubator which, together with alumni companies, have attracted more than EUR 805 million in venture capital since 2014. To date, 21 of SmiLe´s companies have launched an IPO. SmiLe is a non-profit organization and receives basic funding from Region Skåne, Lund Municipality, Lund University and Medicon Village. SmiLe´s sponsors are Agilent, Sparbanken Skåne, Høiberg, Magle Chemoswed, Merck, Setterwalls, Zacco, Phase Holographic Imaging and ChemoMetec. www.smileincubator.life