2019-01-21 09:59Press release

Ten new incubator companies and over SEK 700 million in venture capital – summary of SmiLe Incubator’s 2018 operations

In 2018 SmiLe met its annual goal of finding about ten new life science startup companies with a strong team, a high level of innovation and strong international market potential. SmiLe has thereby helped a total of 70 companies to develop their products for better health, including the current 22 member companies. Together, they have attracted a record amount of SEK 728 million in venture capital, 18 percent more than the previous year’s high figure.

The companies that have been members of the life science incubator over the years attracted a total of SEK 728 million of venture capital in 2018, which means a cumulative total of more than SEK 2,400 million since 2014. Thirteen of the alumni companies are listed on OMX NASDAQ and Spotlight. Their current market value is about SEK 6 billion (December 2018).

Several of SmiLe’s incubator companies stood out as exceptional, won, or received honorable mentions in international and national comparisons and competitions, including Cellevate, SAGA Diagnostics, Gedea Biotech, Sinntaxis, Receptor Pharma and ImmuneBiotech.

“We have been successful at creating venues where SmiLe companies can naturally meet potential industrial and financial stakeholders. We also maintain regular contact with international participants on the lookout for the next successful venture, which has contributed to the good results,” says Ebba Fåhraeus, CEO of SmiLe Incubator.

Statistics 2018:

  • 10 new companies 2018
  • 8 companies left the incubator 2018
  • 22 companies currently in SmiLe Incubator
  • 41 companies graduated since 2007
  • Since 2007, a total of 70 companies received support to develop in the incubator where they received coaching, laboratory space, training and support from experts, as well as access to the surrounding community of businesses
  • Ninety percent of these companies are still active or growing
  • Together, they brought in SEK 728 million in venture capital in 2018, for a cumulative total of more than SEK 2.4 billion since 2014
  • 13 companies are listed on trading venues and together have a market value of more than SEK 6 billion (Dec. 2018), including Cantargia, Immunovia and Clinical Laserthermia Systems

The following ten startup companies became Incubator members in 2018:

ReceptorPharma is developing a new Alzheimer’s drug with a brand-new mechanism of action.

Medotemic is developing systems for movement analysis of deviating gait patterns due to injury or pain. Sensor data collected by smartphone are analyzed with proprietary algorithms; the results are used by e.g. physical therapists.

Open Logger has developed and offers intelligent IoT systems that connect all critical equipment for laboratories and hospital.

POOW Applications is developing solutions to help children with problems. The first product will help children who find it difficult to eat by using “serious gaming.”

Nordic Rebalance – The Danish founder has developed a new dietary treatment that has shown documented clinical effect against IBS in two published studies.

Sinntaxis is developing a new treatment to minimize disabling and often lifelong consequences of stroke. Sinntaxis plans to initiate a phase II study of stroke patients soon.


TigerQ is developing algorithms for analysis of sequencing data after gene modification. Their data processing methodology provides a more precise and accurate picture of DNA after modification than current methods.

Thyrolytics is developing diagnostic tests for thyroid hormones. No truly reliable test is available at this time.

Prebona Healthcare is developing a nanoproduct that will significantly increase the killing of bacteria, during both disinfection and antibiotic treatment.

Leuko3ena is developing diagnostics for allergy patients and will thereby remedy the allergy doctor shortage through more effective diagnostics.

For information about SmiLe Incubator, contact: Ebba Fåhraeus, CEO at SmiLe Incubator
+46 (0)734000433, 
ebba@smileincubator.life ; Or visit our mediaroom

Language: English

About SmiLe Venture Hub – Pioneering Life Science Innovations

SmiLe is a life science business incubator based in Medicon Village in Lund. SmiLe Incubator helps entrepreneurs to commercialize their ideas. There are currently more than 20 companies in SmiLe, which together with alumni companies have attracted more than SEK 2,4 billion in venture capital to date since 2014. SmiLe offers business coaching, a large network of contacts in our community, and our many well-equipped laboratories, unique of its kind in Sweden. SmiLe is a non-profit organization and receives basic funding from Region Skåne, Lund Municipality, Lund University and Medicon Village. SmiLe’s listed alumni companies have a market capitalization of more than SEK 6 billion (Dec. 2018). www.smileincubator.life