SmiLe e-Campus is a free eight-week online program about entrepreneurship in the life sciences that will begin in mid-March. The course is aimed at students, researchers, and other individuals from the Nordic region and the rest of Europe who are interested in learning the basics of business practices within the life sciences. No prior experience is required.
The application deadline is March 1, 2021.
SmiLe e-Campus caters to university graduates: entrepreneurs, individuals active in the life sciences, or individuals interested in starting a company or pursuing a career in the life sciences.
During the course, SmiLe experts and partners teach classes that provide knowledge about business models, corporate governance, funding, IP, regulatory issues and marketing. These subjects are relevant to all fields in the life sciences, including biotech, medtech, healthtech, eHealth, pharma and diagnostics.
Major industry players are also involved in the course. They will provide participants with valuable insights into the needs and requirements of the life science industry. Consequently, course participants will also have a unique gateway to major industry players early in their lives as entrepreneurs.
“The program provides those who are interested in a career in the life sciences with a unique insight into the industry. We were overwhelmed by the attention that SmiLe e-Campus received last time from participants from all over the world and we are now pleased to be able to offer the program once again” says Ebba Fåhraeus, CEO of SmiLe Incubator.
For more information, please contact: Ebba Fåhraeus, +46 (0)734 000 433,
Reviews from some of the participants:
More information about SmiLe e-Campus:
Learn the basics of life entrepreneurship – for free.
Whether you’re just out of university, just starting a company or just curious, SmiLe e-Campus introduces you to the key principles of health-related innovation – and helps you lay the foundations for your future career.
Free online program – 30 available places
SmiLe Incubator is a life science business incubator based in Medicon Village in Lund. SmiLe helps entrepreneurs to commercialize their ideas. There are currently 25 companies in SmiLe, which together with alumni companies, have attracted more than EUR 380 million in venture capital to date since 2014. SmiLe offers business coaching, a large network of contacts and a dynamic community, as well as well-equipped laboratories which is unique of its kind in Sweden. SmiLe is a non-profit organization and receives basic funding from Region Skåne, Lund Municipality, Lund University and Medicon Village. SmiLe´s sponsors are Agilent, Sparbanken Skåne, Awa, Høiberg, Prevas, Setterwalls, Zacco, Aqilion. SmiLe’s listed alumni companies have a market capitalization of EUR 1,28 billion (Q3 2020).